National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi -110012
National Seeds Corporation invites application for filling up the following posts :
1.Deputy General Manager (Personnel & Administration) : 01 post
2.Manager (Production) : 01 post
3.Assistant Manager (Production) : 02 posts
4.Assistant Engineer (Agriculture) : To prepare a panel
5.Junior Manager (Accounts) : 03 posts
6.Accounts Officer : 01 post
7.Assistant Seeds Officer : To prepare a panel
8.Junior Mechanic Gr.II : To prepare a panel
9.Field Trainees : 30 posts
How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format should be sent in an envelope superscribing the name of the post applied for to the General Manager (Pers. & Admn.), National Seeds Corporation Limited Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-110012 on or before 04/05/2011
Please visit for more details and application form.

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