TelePhone Interview-2
The best way for a company to make the best out of time and costs is by interviewing candidates on the phone, especially when candidates live out of town or abroad. It is true that a recruiter cannot find the best candidate on the phone but this method definitely narrows the options, and only the selected candidates are invited to a one-on-one interview. Telephone interviews rarely last more than 30 minutes.
Another reasons to go for a job interview is to get a better idea of the candidate´s personality and to test him/her if the job has to do with talking to people.
Sometimes telephone interviews are scheduled ahead of time; sometimes recruiters call candidates and ask them if they have a few minutes to talk.
There are many things you can check while having this type of interview: how properly the candidate speaks, how enthusiastic he/she sounds, how polite he/she is, how many questions of his/her own the candidate asks, if the candidate forgot the appointment.
Tips for Interviewers:
- Keep the CV and all necessary information about the candidate you are calling at hand when calling.
- Have a pen and paper within reach.
- Make sure your call-waiting mode is off so the interview is not interrupted.
- In case your call has not been scheduled and the candidate is not available make sure to re-schedule the appointment at a convenient time.
- Make a list of important questions you would like to ask.
- Make sure there will not be noises or interruptions.
- Remember that a landline is always more reliable than a mobile phone line.
- Make straight, clear questions; you do not want to repeat yourself many times on the phone.
- Keep water near you to wet your throat.
- Keep an appropriate voice tone.
- Check the candidate´s info clearly before calling.
- Take notes of everything you consider important right after you hang up.
See Phone Interview Questions