SHREDS Is Glad To Inform You That 2 Tests Are Scheduled For Your Batch

1.CG CoreEl for ECE, Electronics & Telecommunication & EI with 70& plus in BTech on 5th Dec at St. Antonys High School, Cochin,Kerala. Candidates who have written this test earlier, if interested can write again.

2. CORDYS for all Branches with 70& plus ( 69.5 plus allowed) in Final degree and 65% plus in 10th,12th and BSc( Candidates with JAVA experience more than i yr 65% throughout) at Ashir Bhavan, Cochin.


for details and online confirmation.
Helpline : 0484 6510245/ 9946808364 / 9645081534

Please note that candidates not attending tests after confirming will not get online hall ticket from SHREDS.They will have to buy Hall Ticket from the venue for additional Rs.100/-

Best Wishes

    Thanks & regards,
Suresh Chowdary Yepuri

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