Hi all,

Please go through the following mail and if your resume suits for requirement, forward the resume to sureshchowdary_kyss@yahoo.com with Job code in the Sub. Line.

Please Note: Don’t forward any fake resumes



- SQL Server 2005/2008 DBA Experience expert knowledge in relation data modeling (OLAP) and Database creation.

- Experience Configuring Microsoft reporting and Integration Services.
Job Code         : SQL DBA-OLAP/HLIT/AG26
Experience      : 5-6 years
Designation     : Analyst/ Sr.Analyst
Work Loc        : Mumbai

 Apply now:                                                                               
                If you meet the above mentioned criteria please send in your resume to  sureshchowdary_kyss@yahoo.com   with the Job Code
Note: All Resumes with Job Codes only will be responded.  

     Thanks & regards,
Suresh Chowdary Yepuri

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